Manage Your Entries on

On, entries serve as a platform for members to offer or seek resources, services, and other related to contemporary art. Follow the steps to manage your entries on

Overview of Your Entries

  1. Log in and click the Account button at the top.
  2. Select Manage Your Entries to view and manage your entries.

Create a New Entry

  • Press the New Entry button to start sharing your offers or needs.
  • Use a clear and descriptive title.
  • Upload a picture that shows your work or what you're offering. Use the recommended size: 2000x1125 pixels.
  • Write a detailed description of what you're offering or seeking.
  • Enable private messages if you wish to allow direct contact.
  • Determine the visibility of your entry: Public or Hidden.
  • For services or goods for sale, include a payment link.
  • Click Save when you're finished.

Edit and Review Your Entry

  1. Visit Manage Your Entries and find the one you want to edit.
  2. Press Edit to make changes.
  3. After making changes, save and click View to review the entry.

Publish and Unpublish Your Entry

  1. Return to Manage Your Entries.
  2. Select an entry and click Submit for Review.
  3. Use the Pause button to temporarily unpublish an entry.
  4. Click the Publish button to make the entry visible to others again.

Please note:

  • reviews all entries before publication.
  • You will be notified via email when your entry is live.
  • If adjustments are required, you will receive further instructions.

By following these steps, you ensure that the content on maintains high quality and creates a safe environment for all users.

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